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  • Tags: Buttons

A 1946 NAACP button given to a nurse at a hospital by an African American male in his 40's, who received treatment because of the riot in Chicago of 1966. The button was a token of appreciation to the nurse who was placed on "Red Alert" due to the…

Pin to support the re-election of Walton and Leary. No information on office or year for election.

Political pins from national elections, mostly for Presidential races. Includes Kennedy, Reagan, and Nixon.

Various Presidential and Illinois Gubernatorial campaign buttons dating from the 1940s - 2010 displayed in a large shadowbox

Pins from elections for President of the United States, Included are Goldwater, Johnson, and Nixon. FDR pin is a reproduction, other pins are originals.

Two pins for national election, on to the House of Representatives, one to the Senate. US Senate pin is for Dick Durbin, still serving. House of Representative pin is for Stephens. Stephens resigned his office in 2011.

Four pins, all for state level office in the state of Illinois. Three of them share Howlett as the candidate of record. Howlett held several state offices during his career, and ran a failed campaign for governor in 1976.

Numerous political buttons produced to support Republican candidates for Illinois state offices. Items include supporting Ryan for Governor, Jerry Weller for the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Illinois's 11th congressional district.

Several political campaign buttons, primarily relating to Republican candidates in Presidential elections. Items include:
Buttons from the 1988 Republican National Convention in New Orleans.
Ronald Reagan .
George H W Bush 1988
Bob Dole…

Several buttons relating to local campaigns, including:
"I am a Sangamon County Republican"
"McDonough County Republican"

The collection includes some humorous items, including one button reading "Politically incorrect and proud of it"
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