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  • Tags: Buttons

A 1946 NAACP button given to a nurse at a hospital by an African American male in his 40's, who received treatment because of the riot in Chicago of 1966. The button was a token of appreciation to the nurse who was placed on "Red Alert" due to the…

Numerous campaign buttons distributed to supporters during various campaigns at the federal, state, and local levels during the 20th century.

These three buttons are from the 1968 Hubert Humphrey presidential campaign. Humphrey was of the Democratic Party and served as Lyndon B. Johnson's Vice President. His campaign was not successful. The "Hubie Baby" button is popular among collectors.…

Nineteen campaign buttons distributed to supporters during various local elections in Illinois.

Three farcical campaign buttons popular during the 1972 presidential campaign. The buttons on the left and right were part of a series of unlicensed buttons using a popular television character named Archie Bunker from the television show “All in…

Eleven campaign buttons distributed to supporters during various races for Illinois Governor between 1984 and 1999.

Two buttons promoting President Barack Obama’s second presidential inauguration and one framed invitation to President Barack Obama’s second presidential inauguration ceremony which took place on January 21, 2013.

One campaign button thanked supporters following Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign. Obama’s campaign was successful and he served two terms. The other two buttons supported Paul Wellstone’s senatorial campaign in Minnesota. His…

Political pins from national elections, mostly for Presidential races. Includes Kennedy, Reagan, and Nixon.

Collection of four political campaign buttons for presidential candidates Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Woodrow Wilson, each of the presidential campaigns for these individuals were successful and each served two full terms as president.
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