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  • Tags: National

Political pins from national elections, mostly for Presidential races. Includes Kennedy, Reagan, and Nixon.

Pins from elections for President of the United States, Included are Goldwater, Johnson, and Nixon. FDR pin is a reproduction, other pins are originals.

Two pins for national election, on to the House of Representatives, one to the Senate. US Senate pin is for Dick Durbin, still serving. House of Representative pin is for Stephens. Stephens resigned his office in 2011.

Box with the seal of the President of the United States and the signature of BIll Clinton. Rear of box has an M&M holding the American Flag. The box held the candy originally. Box has been opened so it is currently empty.

Photo of President John F. Kennedy, held in a transparent plastic holder. Date of manufacture, and photograph used are unknown. the use of the plastic object other than to hold the photo was unknown to the contributor as well.

Sticker and pin supporting the election of Bill Clinton as President and Al Gore as Vice President as the Democratic Candidates.

Collection of pins from the 2016 Democratic primary and Presidential races. Included are pins from various states supporting the selection of Hillary Clinton as the nominee and Clinton/Kaine as the candidates for President of the United States in the…

Collection of pins about Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election.

Pins representing various third party candidates in the Presidential Election of 2016. Included are the Green Party Candidate Jill Stein, Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson and other third party candidates as well.

Book, Pamphlet, and hatchet pin connected to the temperance movement led by Carry A. Nation. Carry Nation was a radical abolitionist from Missouri, lived 1846-1911. Leader of the radical temperance movement, called for the prohibition of all alcohol…
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