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  • Tags: Poster

Poster showing Ronald Reagan as Rambo.

Poster for Carol Braun campaign for Senate run under the Democratic party .
She represented Illinois in the United States Senate from 1993 to 1999. She was the first African American for the Democratic party.

Braun served as the United…

Goldwater-Miller campaign poster from the 1964 presidential campaign.
Goldwater was originally from Arizona. Goldwater Lost to Lyndon B. Johnson.

Political poster with the title, "Campaign Reporting Systems."

Sign From the Rockefeller campaign unsuccessful Republican presidential nomination
Served as Vice President from 1974 to 1977 under President Gerald R. Ford

This is from the 1972 re-election campaign for Richard Nixon for President of the United States. Nixon would later resign because of the Watergate scandle.

A red and white satirical poster from 1995 mocking the idea of political correctness. It is issued by the fictitious Ministry of Political Incorrection to convey an area off limits to those who are deemed too focused on political correctness.

Framed poster reading "Charisma Isn't Everything" for Governor of Illinois (Republican) Richard B. Ogilvie's re-election campaign in 1972. The black and white poster, held in a black frame, features the tag as well as a cartoon of the Governor with a…

Framed photo of a sculpture by John Martin Gilbert. Gilbert was an illustrator and scultper active in the 1960s ad 1970s. "The Politician" is Gilbert's vision of the inner workings of American politicians. The poster is held under glass by a thin…

Poster from the 1980 Republican National Convention in Detroit, Michigan July 14-17 in which Ronald Reagan was named the party's nominee for President and George H. W. Bush for Vice President. The poster depicts the 16th President Abraham Lincoln and…
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