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  • Tags: Republican Party

This was a political chart published probably prior to Abraham Lincoln receiving the Republican Party nomination. Charts were generally ways in which the public learned and communicated about Presidential candidates, though H. H. Lloyds & Co would…

A bag provided by Lowell H. Fraim, District Chairman of the Sangamon County Republican Party, the "Community Minded Committee Man of Springfield Township #4." The bag is red, white, and blue and has the words, "Pride, Patriotism, and Participation"…

A poster showing 38th Governor of Illinois, Jim Edgar, speaking to a crowd. Edgar was a Republican Governor who served two terms, from 1991 to 1999. The only text on the image is , "Jim Edgar for all of Illinois." The poster is held under glass by a…

Illinois Republican State Convention Poster supporting campaign for House Republican Leader Lee A. Daniels. Mr. Daniels served as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives for the 46th District from 1975 to 2007. He was Speaker of the House…

A printed keepsake from the Illinois House GOP, "Grand Old Party" or Republican, Retreat that was held over a three day period in 1989, January 26th through the 28th. The print shows an elephant, the symbol for the Republican Party, in red and blue…

A poster from the 1964 campaign for Illinois House of Representatives. G. William Horsley and David J. Jones were elected to the House as Representatives At-Large, positions that were added after a failed attempt in 1963 to redraw the state's…

This sewing kit, which includes thread, needle, and thimble, was a promotional item for Harold Hunter's run for U.S. Representative in 1978. He was the Republican nominee from Oklahoma's 6th District and was defeated by a wide margin by the…

Poster for the General Election on November 6, 1990 election. The poster encourages voters to vote for a straight Republican ticket, using the slogan "Trust the People You Know."

A red, white, and blue sign reminding people to vote on election day. The sign features the symbol for the Republican Party, the elephant, with the words, "Don't forget to vote...election day."

This is a two color campaign poster from the 1968 Presidential Election. Richard Nixon won the election and became the first Vice President to attain the office of President since 1836. Agnew has been Governor of Maryland before becoming the 39th…
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