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  • Collection: UIS History Harvest 2018 - Being Illinoisan

This is a non-fiction work focused within the Southern Illinois' town of Cobden. It followed Dick Ruggles' journey to Cobden and his two year stint as head coach of a successful underdog team: the Appleknockers.

A magazine article talking about the changes in the growth of minorities in the Illinois State Police force in the 1970s.

A book written about Black leadership in the U.S. Marshall.

Joe Pecoraro and his sibling visiting the Bozo the Clown Show in April of 1979.

Newspaper articles from The State Journal Register and the Jacksonville Currier about Walter Mondale's visit to Illinois.

VP, Walter Mondale, visits Loami to address farm issues and campaign for Jimmy Carters second term.

American Flag given on behalf of the United States Army to the family of Private First Class Ardell Van Over in 1952. PFC Van Over fought in World War II when he recieved wounds during the Battle of the Bulge on December 22, 1944. He passed several…

This is a ration card for tobacco issued in the summer of 1945 to Eugene Taylor. Taylor served in the Marines during WWII. 12 of the 26 tabs have been used. The card was issued on May 1, 1945 and expired October 29, 1945. Rules for using the rations…
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