Sample ballots for the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates for the General Election of November 5, 1968. Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew were the Republican candidates for President and Vice President. Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie…
A newspaper article. Details the opening of a new historical marker in Springfield Illinois at Enos park. The marker is dedicated to the lost St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and the Lithuanian community.
This was a political chart published probably prior to Abraham Lincoln receiving the Republican Party nomination. Charts were generally ways in which the public learned and communicated about Presidential candidates, though H. H. Lloyds & Co would…
Jake Friefeld traveled to Mozambique to meet his brother and a couple of friends while his brother was living in Maputo, working for the U.S. department of state. His brother had been working at the embassy for three years in Mozambique at that…
Text on the front of the magnet: Maputo
This magnet was acquired in Mozambique and has Mozambique's capital city Maputo written on the front. Jake Friefeld got this magnet on vacation to Mozambique while he was planning his wedding. While he was…
Select pages from Morrisonville Community High School Yearbook
The selected pages feature Alice Sloman, sophomore, attending her last year at Morrisonville Community High School before moving to Springfield. Handwritten notes wish Alice well…