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  • Tags: 2016

Illinois State Republican Convention poster calling on fellow Republicans to "Rekindle the Lincoln Spirit." The convention was held June 16-18, 1988. The poster is endorsed by Mr. Lee A. Daniels, House Republican Leader.

Illinois Republican State Convention Poster supporting campaign for House Republican Leader Lee A. Daniels. Mr. Daniels served as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives for the 46th District from 1975 to 2007. He was Speaker of the House…

Black Lives Matter Poster that says "Standing on the Side of Love" and "". This poster was for the 2014-2016 controversies surrounding the race within American society.

This button was for the 2016 elections in which this button supported Bernie Sanders for president. Bernie was a Democratic candidate running against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Nominee.

Political Buttons include:
-Barack Obama presidential buttons for 2008 and 2012
-Women for Barack Obama in 2004
-Women for Hillary from either 2008 or 2016
-Bill Clinton and Al Gore in 1992
-A plethora of gay pride buttons including Illinois gay…

Political poster with the title, "Campaign Reporting Systems."

Information booklet on Harris Fawell, a Republican candidate for Congress. The booklet contains information on Hawell's political background as well as his plans for Congress. Fawell served in the Illinois Senate from 1963-1977. He was also a…

Collection of pins about Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election.

Collection of pins from the 2016 Democratic primary and Presidential races. Included are pins from various states supporting the selection of Hillary Clinton as the nominee and Clinton/Kaine as the candidates for President of the United States in the…

Susana Mendoza, a Democrat, runs for Illinois Comptroller in 2016 to challenge Leslie Hunger (Republican). As of the publication on the UIS History Harvest website, the outcome of the election is yet to be determined.
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