Browse Items (505 total)

Political Rulers-
Jim Edgar (Secretary of State)
Oblinger (Representative)
Judy Topinka (Illinois State Treasurer)
George Ryan (Secretary of State)

Political Pencils-
George Wilkings (Superintendent of Public Instruction)
Vernon Nickell…

Pin to support the re-election of Walton and Leary. No information on office or year for election.

Poster for Carol Braun campaign for Senate run under the Democratic party .
She represented Illinois in the United States Senate from 1993 to 1999. She was the first African American for the Democratic party.

Braun served as the United…

Goldwater-Miller campaign poster from the 1964 presidential campaign.
Goldwater was originally from Arizona. Goldwater Lost to Lyndon B. Johnson.

Humphrey Campaign Poster
Humphrey Ran for president in 1968 after Lyndon B. Johnson said he would not be running for reelection. He lost to Nixon.

Political pins from national elections, mostly for Presidential races. Includes Kennedy, Reagan, and Nixon.

Various Presidential and Illinois Gubernatorial campaign buttons dating from the 1940s - 2010 displayed in a large shadowbox

Stickers that support the election of Gerald Ford for election as President of the United States. These stickers were a replacement for pins that other candidates used, and handed out to supporters at events.

Pins from elections for President of the United States, FDR pin is a reproduction, other pins are originals.

Pins from elections for President of the United States, Included are Goldwater, Johnson, and Nixon. FDR pin is a reproduction, other pins are originals.
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