Morrisonville Community High School Yearbook 1942
The selected pages feature Alice Sloman, sophomore, attending her last year at Morrisonville Community High School before moving to Springfield. At Morrisonville Community High School, Alice sang high soprano in a cappella choir, played clarinet in the band, and won several awards for her singing that year. Handwritten notes wish Alice well before she transfers to Springfield High School.
A pattern of identity emerges from the notes written to Alice at the close of her final year attending her hometown school. Her classmates, who she grew up with, state how they will remember her, and some also ask that she remember them in a certain way. Almost every note mentions Alice's talent and passion for singing, and the individuals who asked to be remembered tend to attribute their own identity to music as well.
A note from Donald W. asks Alice to set aside tickets for him when she is singing in the opera.
Her music instructor offers final words of advice regarding improvement in her singing
Betty Jane Derckins writes, "Dear Alice, Remember me as a tubbie little Senior who plays a Sax in the band, A Senior Pal."