Dress Code Policy/Office Directory

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A dress code helps integrate workers as it conveys a company’s expectations for an employee's appearance. These expectations can differ based on one’s age, gender, and/or physical characteristics. In the 1991 New Staff Orientation Binder presented in this exhibit, Andersen Consulting even details how appearance and dress may influence an employee’s professional performance. The sections provided detail how women should dress in a corporate workplace, including specifications for shirts, pants, hair, makeup, shoes, and accessories. How employees dress can also influence outside perceptions of a company and its public image. With this dress code, Andersen Consulting aims to integrate new hires to both look and behave in a certain way that is in line with established company expectations.

 Lang, Robert M. “The Hidden Dress Code Dilemma.” The Clearing House 59, no. 6 (1986): 277–79. http://www.jstor.org/stable/30186540.

Dress Code Policy/Office Directory